Swim Meet Sabotage

Meredith and Peter were the captains of their University swim team, for the female and male teams, respectively. They had risen to this position after years of hard work, both being the best on their team. They were in the family locker room at the pool, getting dressed for the big swim meet that was scheduled to start soon. The others on their team were each in the male and female locker rooms, but Meredith and Peter needed to go over their plan for the competition. They had spent long hours examining the swim times of each swimmer, positioning each member of the team in the competition that they were most likely to do the best in.

Unfortunately for them, Robert, the coach of their rival team, had plans to sabotage them. Robert's team was good, but Meredith and Peter were better than anyone he had. He knew that if he wanted his own team to win, he had to somehow stop them from competing. So, on the day of the meet, he entered the family locker room early to lie in wait for the captains to enter for their customary meeting. From one of the toilet stalls, he waited, peeking between the cracks. He remained completely silent as the two captains came in. He wanted to wait for the perfect moment to strike, so he waited, watching the two discuss their plan. They had already changed into their swimsuits. He admired Meredith's figure. Her one piece suit tightly covered her ample rear, with an open back showing her powerful muscles. She had her brown hair in a tight ponytail, swaying back and forth as she talked. Peter wore a speedo bottom, showing off his powerful abs, and leaving little to the imagination in turns of the bulge that was hard to ignore. Robert wasn't attracted to men, but even he had to admit that Peter was an impressive specimen.

Finally, after the two had finished their planning, they gathered their things and prepared to leave. That was when Robert sprung into action, flinging open the stall door and brandishing a pistol at the two of them. The two froze as they stared at him. Robert was wearing a mask over his face, to avoid identification, which only made the two captains more frightened.

"Both of you, get on your knees, now." He growled, intentionally lowering his voice to further disguise himself. They complied, silently lowering themselves down onto the hard concrete floor, too afraid to call out or resist. With them temporarily subdued, Robert grabbed their bags and tossed them out of the way, ensuring that his captives would be unable to reach for their phones.

Meredith felt vulnerable. She knew and trusted Peter and her teammates, so usually wearing her swimsuit wasn't a big deal. But in front of this fully clothed stranger, she was acutely aware of every bit of exposed skin, as well as how form fitting her outfit was. Peter felt helpless and ashamed. He wanted to be able to protect himself and Meredith, but was too afraid to try anything. So, the two simply stared up at the masked man, waiting to see what he would do.

"Alright. Turn towards each other." He growled. The two awkwardly shuffled on their knees until they were facing each other, looking fearfully into each other's eyes. "Now, hug, and keep hugging until I tell you to stop." Confused, they shuffled closer, hugging each other awkwardly. Robert reached into his pocket and pulled out a zip tie, and went behind Meredith. He pulled Peter's wrists together behind her back, and tightly fastened the tie around them, making it impossible for him to disengage from the hug. Walking behind Peter, he repeated this process with Meredith's wrists. The result was that they were now linked together, both unable to break from the hug, their bodies loosely held together by the ties.

However, this wasn't enough for Robert. He didn't just want his rivals out of the way, he wanted to humiliate them as well. Pulling out another, much longer zip tie, he looped it around his captives' bodies, pulling it tight in a loop that ran under their armpits, pressing their chests together tightly. Peter blushed slightly despite the situation as he felt Meredith's breasts pressed against him. Robert continued his work, now looping another long zip tie around their waists, pulling it tight and pressing their toned stomachs together.

"Alright, now, on your feet!" He said, stepping back and grinning as his captives struggled to stand, their bodies rubbing against each other as they did so. Eventually, they were able to get to their feet, standing in front of Robert. "Now, shuffle over to that locker!" He barked, pointing towards a large locker that was about seven feet tall. Whimpering at the thought of being locked in, they obediently began the difficult work of moving towards it. Neither one of them could very well walk forward, as that would force the other to blindly walk backwards. They stumbled and inched their way along, to the great amusement of Robert, who offered no assistance and allowed them to figure it out on their own.

Once they were standing in front of the locker, they stopped, looking over at their attacker fearfully. Robert advanced towards them, pulling out a strange looking object from his pocket. It was an oblong red ball with four straps coming out of it. Robert gleefully shoved the ball into Meredith's mouth, pulling two of the straps back behind her head and buckling them tightly in place. The other two straps hung loosely between the bound pair, and roughly half of the ball was protruding out of her mouth, the other half resting deep in her mouth. Meredith whimpered at the intrusion, her protests rendered incomprehensible by the rubber depressing her tongue. Robert grabbed the back of Peter's head and pushed it towards the rubber protrusion, forcing him to take it into his mouth. Just as he had with Meredith, he pulled the buckles tightly behind Peter's head. This pressed the two captives' mouths together in a forced kiss, the straps making it impossible for them to turn away from each other.

Ignoring their renewed whining, Robert completed their bondage. Another zip tie looped around their thighs, even further pressing their fronts together. He continued down their legs, securing above and below their knees, and finally their ankles. Satisfied with their bonds, he shoved them into the open locker, slamming it shut and plunging them into claustrophobic darkness. Ignoring their frightened cries, Robert left, shedding his mask as he exited. As a final measure, he hung an "out of order" sign on the door, sealing the bound coed's fate to stay where they were for the rest of the day. Acting like nothing had happened, he joined his team, directing his athletes and expressing feigned concern when his captive's coach asked where they were.

Inside the locker, Peter and Meredith were locked in a swirl of confusing and contradictory feelings and sensations. At first, they were rightfully terrified, having just been threatened by a stranger with a gun. However, as time passed, these feelings faded and gave way to others. Their struggles began as frantic and desperate thrashing. However, this proved useless and painful. Any movement either of them made pulled painfully at the other. Additionally, they had barely any space to move in the locker, and any movement was immediately stopped by the metal walls. Soon, they ceased these efforts, instead attempting to obtain some level of comfort in their cramped conditions. This too proved impossible. Their mouths being strapped together was the worst of it. The locker was humid and warm, only getting warmer with their body heat as the time wore on. With their forced kiss, they were unable to reach any semblance of separation. All they could do was to look away from each other's eyes, but this made little difference. It was strangely intimate. The two had never kissed, now thought much about each other in that way, and now here they were, pressed together tightly and sharing an extended lip lock.

And then, there was the issue of Peter's penis. He was trying desperately not to have such feelings, but the warmth of Meredith's body, the feeling of her breath against him, her breasts pressed against his chest all combined into a sensual bliss that made him hard. He tried his best to keep it from touching her, but their bonds made this impossible, and soon she felt his erection straining against his speedo, resting on her lower stomach. He tried to mumble an apology, but the gag made it impossible, only prompting him to drool. Every slight movement either of them made caused the situation to worsen. By now, the tip of his penis was peeking out of the speedo, and their struggles simply added to the friction building between them. Peter groaned in frustration. He didn't want to take advantage of the situation, but it was feeling more and more pleasurable as his penis strained against his clothing. A primal desperation made him feel desperate as the reality that only a few millimeters of fabric was all that was keeping him from plunging himself into the athletic woman he couldn't get away from.

Eventually, it was too much. An ill timed squirm from Meredith pushed him over the edge, forcing him to cum. He moaned hard into the gag, timed simultaneously with a disgusted groan from Meredith as she felt his seed gush from him, stopping between their stomachs and leaving a wet patch. Peter's attempted apology was again thwarted by the gag. Meredith knew it wasn't his fault, but it didn't make it any less humiliating. All they could do was sit there and wait, hoping desperately that they would be found. Several minutes later, they both squealed in distress as they felt his penid become erect again...

It was five hours until a janitor finally entered the locker room, on his regular cleaning round after the pool had closed. Hearing a strange noise from the locker, he opened it, gasping in shock at the sight within. Two sweaty college swimmers writhing against each other, desperately trying to escape the force hug and kiss they were engaged in. Once freed, they filed a police report, but there was little evidence to go on. There were no cameras that showed who had entered the locker room, and no one stood out as a suspect. Robert had been careful to speak to as many people as possible, making their memory of him significant enough that none remembered the few minutes he wasn't in the pool area.

At his home, Robert was gleeful. His team had won, his rivals unable to recover from the loss of their two most powerful swimmers. He lay in bed, scrolling through the pictures he had taken on his phone of the couple, reveling in the humiliation he had wrought upon them. He might just have to do something like that again sometime...












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