Aunt Cathy Pt. 08

{Disclaimer: All characters in this piece are eighteen or over}

No graphic sex in this one, letting you all know before you read it.

The shower with Cathy was romantic, sounds corny but it was. When she went to wash herself, I asked if I could, she gave me the soap and leaned her back against my chest. I hadn't noticed it before, but with her heels off she only came up to my nose. Laying my chin on her head got me a good shot to the ribs, "Every joke you make about my height, I bite an inch off your length. Got it?"

I grinned, "Yup, heard that loud and clear. Still, can't figure out how all that sexiness fits into you though."

"Small packages, extraordinary things."

Smile, "No argument."

Lathering every curve of her gorgeous body brought about the realization this was the first time we'd ever been totally naked together. To me It felt like we'd gone a step further in our relationship. That got me wondering. What was our relationship? Were in love, but what happens if I ask her to marry me? All our friends and family will freak, and how, or can, we do it legally?

Cathy's hands started moving to her eyes like she was wiping tears away from them. Looking around her that was exactly what she was doing. I'd been shampooing and rinsing her hair, so I figured some had got in her eyes, "Sorry, Did I get soap in your eyes?"


"Then what's wrong? Did I do something?"

Cathy turned and put her head on my chest. "Yes. You fulfilled a hole in my life."

I was confused again. "Having a shower together was a hole?"

"No, but a man touching me, taking care of me, no lust in his eyes, no hard on. Just being a lover that loves me, yeah that was a hole," She lifted her head and looked into my eyes, "Till now." All I could do was kiss her, my question was answered, I'd stick with no matter what. Maybe she was short in stature, but she sure knew how to make a man feel twenty feet tall.

The water was starting to get cold just as her cell phone alarm went off. "Crap we've been in here for a half hour, I better go lover." I nodded. Knowing the warmth of the water would soon turn to ice I started a speed shower, that quickly turned into a Mach seven shower when my aunt announced. "Dust, five at the most babe." Shit.

I guess that could use some explaining. We live on a farm, and the road to our house is gravel, so when anyone drives up to the house there's a dust trail that you can see. Depending on where that dust cloud is, you can judge how long it'll take for them to get here, so we had five minutes or less to get ourselves situated.

My aunt judged it wrong, there was three at the most and she'd forgot her shoes in my room. Grabbing the shoes, I headed to my aunts' room and told her, "O.K., were having a water fight." Of course, she looked at me with a 'huh?' expression on her face, so I explained. "Look, just fill up your trash can with water, get on the porch roof and wait till you see me, then douse me ok?" She nodded yes and I took off downstairs.

We get a lot of racoons and the like around here, so dad keeps a super soaker by the front door to chase them off. Luckily for me it's always full. If you're wondering why the big charade, it's because there was no way our hair would be dry before my parents pulled up, and I knew for a fact mom would call Cathy to help with the bags.

Mom's good at one plus one equals two.

Grabbing the water gun, I got to the corner of the house just as my folks pulled up. Waiting for them to see me, a finger went up to my lips as if to say, 'Don't give me away' and I slowly crept around the corner. Right on time I got soaked with a bucket of water from the porch roof. I could see mom and dad laughing in the car and when their doors opened, I yelled, "HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET BACK INSIDE?!"

My aunt should have been an actress (what a duo we would of made) shaking the water off myself she answered, "I've been two steps behind you all the time dummy. As soon as your ass rounded the corner I went in the front door!" My dad laughed at that and when I looked at him, he just shook his head making a 'DUH' face at me.

"If you two children are done, we've got groceries to unload." (I told you mom would ask for both of us) Since we lived so far out of town a trip it meant they stocked up on things, so it took twenty or so minutes to unload everything. When dad gave me the box of oil, my beer was on top, icy cold. I got a huge grin on my face and headed for the garage, him right on my heels.

Dad had always been good at letting me be when I worked on my car. He knew if I got stuck, he'd be called to help, so when I popped the hood, he let out a 'Will you look at that' clapping me on the back. I'd spent a lot of time on the engine. Chrome valve covers, air filter cover, metallic red spark plug wires. The engine block and oil pan were a semi-gloss black, the whole compartment plus hood had red, pin tuck leather liners. (they were on snaps and removable for everyday driving). There was more I wanted to do but it looked good and I was proud of it.

As I was filling the engine with oil dad asked me, "So she's ready to go then?"

"Yeah, but I'm not starting it till I can put it through all the steps to break the engine in. That means plates and all the rest, and that means I need a transport sticker." Dad nodded his head, stepped back and pulled his wallet out.

"You mean like this here?"

He had it, he'd gotten me a sticker, I couldn't believe it. "How did you know?!?" The smile on his face was perfect. He vice gripped a hand on my shoulder.

"When a man asks for a case of motor oil, and a case of beer, isn't too hard to figure out there's a big step about to happen. Seemed to me you only had one step left to go." Pops stuck his hand out and when I shook it, he pulled me into a hug. "Just don't go pulling a James Dean on me ok.

"No sir, I mean yes sir, I mean...shit...thank you dad."

"No problem, let's get back inside before your mom has a fit about not helping out." he paused for a bit then asked, " Where did your driver's side floor mat go by the way?"

I'd forgot about that, well the mat anyway. "Oh uh, spilled a lot of juice on it, got to, uh, clean it" Dad just grunted.

My good feeling started to fade walking to the house. Don't know about you but seems everything good has to be followed by a potential bad for me. Dad opened the porch door and wasn't even one stride inside before he asked, "What the hell's wrong?" Mom was looking serious, Cathy confused.

My parents can read each other's faces having been married so long. Whatever was up warranted my dad going to the fridge and bringing me (and only me) some beer. A Sure sign what was wrong had to do with me. I sat on the edge of the table, popped a can, took a good long gulp and looked at mom, "Your next games been canceled. Coach want's you all in suit and tie at the Brickmoor for brunch, day after tomorrow."

Stunned, plain and simple. I was stunned.

The game was the first in our playoff run, why cancel it? Suit and tie at the brick meant either a major trade or a triple release, who was leaving? Some sponsors had been bailing out on us, did we get sold? The pit in my stomach turned to frozen obsidian.

People you love sometimes get left in the darkness, if only because you yourself have no answer to offer.

"I'm going to my room. Please let me be for a while." Dad got up to say something, mom looked worried and Cathy was about to cry. "I know you're all worried, but I have to...check my numbers." I couldn't do anything except that, go over what I'd done over the year, or years. It felt like all heads were on the chopping block. Mine, the teams, coach's, and everyone involved with the organization.

Numbers are numbers, you can stare at them forever and they never change. Mine were solid considering my role on the team. Not pro numbers, but consistent. Show up to play and do your job, the numbers will add up. 'And so' my brain added, 'what team wouldn't want that kind of player?' "Fucking hell, just shut up head. Son of a bitch."

It was ten am when I got on my computer (yeah, I had a breakfast beer, shoot me) Now my clock said it was noon. Two hours, I'd spent two hours staring at my screen with nothing to show for it but a sick stomach and boiling brain. My dad bellowed for me to get my ass downstairs, I just wanted to sit but I knew that tone, so I went. Dad was in coveralls, splotched in oil and a picnic basket was on the table.

"What's all this about?" Just then Cathy walked in, she had her hair in pig tails tied with little bows, heart shaped sunglasses and a tight, off the shoulder, white lace up blouse (no bra of course). Frayed, faded jean shorts and plain white five-inch pumps gave her a sexy-cute-hot look. When she popped a lollypop in her mouth, I noticed that purple-pink lipstick was back.

Cathy went to stand with mom and dad, basically making a blockade in front of me. "You know, would be nice if I knew what was going on?" That must of came out with a little more attitude than I wanted because dad moved toward me with a 'watch your mouth' look.

"I know you wanted to do it, but I ran your engine and changed the oil and filter," That kind of pissed me off. "But there's no way you're going to brood for a day and a half till that meeting. You got the sticker. There's still time to get your plates today." A huge smile hit his face. "By the way, she purred like a tiger when I turned the key." That picked my mood up quite a bit.

Mom was next up, and she gave me a 'not asking telling' look. "You haven't gone anywhere since Cathy got here. That picnic basket is full of food and I expect the both of you to stop and smell the roses so to speak. You have no idea what's going on, so don't give yourself an ulcer ok." She kissed me on the cheek, and then, oh and then.

Cathy did one of her little skip dances towards me, her boobs bouncing and nipples getting stiff on the way. She grabbed my hands saying, "Come on we'll have fun," then whispered, "Besides, I've never given a blow-job in a moving car." When she backed up her tongue moved over her lips and I started getting hard. She got that grin on her face and before I had a chance to use the basket to cover my bulge, she grabbed it.

Swearing under my breath, I snapped up my aunts' hand practically pulling her off her heels as we headed out the back door. "Ok, Ok, were going already. Keys are in my car I take it?" Dad yelled 'yup', "Thank god," Did not want to go back in the house with my dick iron stiff. Looking at Cathy I told her, "You know you're going to get us busted if you keep giving me a hard on in front of my folks."

Her eye lashes batted, "Moi?"

We barely made it into the garage door before she pushed me against the wall. "Actually, I meant more like mmmwwwaaahhh." Her tongue burst through my lips with a lollipoped, cotton candy flavor while her hand started to stroke me in my jeans. Driving my car for the first time slipped right out of my mind. If you're a car guy; that's how intense her kiss was.

The kiss ended and she asked, "So are you going to open my door for me lover?"

I grinned, slipped my hand between her legs and gave a few slow but firm rubs. "Like I'm going to miss that opportunity." A giggle and a pair of smiling eyes looked at me as she slipped her arm through mine.

It's a good feeling walking the woman you love to your car, opening the door, and watching all of her perfection slink into the seat. "This might sound bad babe, but I wouldn't mind if our first-time making love was in this car." Cathy's eyes got wide and she bubbled over.

"That would be freaking perfect, the first time we touched was in here, we'd have all day to drive, talk and find more places to..." She trailed off with that grin firmly on her face. I couldn't help thinking a seed had been planted. It felt strange, not good, or bad, just...I don't know; like an omen or something. The main garage door opened, and I turned the key, dad hadn't lied, she grrr-purred to life as we pulled out.

Mom and dad were on the porch with their cells, picture time. "Hey lover I think they want a pic of you and your ride."

"You mean my current and future ride?" Got my hand slapped for that one. "Slap me all you want, you're in this pic." I leaned back against my front fender and Cathy went full on pinup model for me. She leaned her back against my shoulder, seductively put the lollypop in her mouth and pushed her sunglasses down. Not all the way, just past the bridge of her nose so she could look over top of them. The finishing touch? One high heeled, sleeky leg bent at the knee. Yup, full on sexy.

They took a few more pictures, us in different positions. Dad even quipped Cathy had to let him take one without her in it, or nobody would know I even had a car. (he got a slap in the head from mom for that) but he was right. "Can we go now!?" Mom gave me the bird and dad just laughed. I opened my aunt's door, got into the driver's seat and we headed for the highway.

Two seconds after clearing my parent's eyesight, Cathy's top came off, my zipper went down, and those lips engulfed me.

'Don't pull a James Dean' suddenly became a bona fide threat.


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