Chubby Fuckers

Summary: Aunt is surprised by her nephew's sudden sexual confidence.

Note 1: Dedicated to Breezy who suggested this wicked tale.

Note 2: This is an April Fool's Day 2021 Contest Story so please vote.

"Do you think your boys could come over and help me set up my new home theatre system?" I asked my older sister Cassie.

"I imagine so, if they can play on it for a while once they're done," Cassie agreed, her twins being great boys, and amazing with technology... which made sense, since they gamed... a lot... and both of them planned to go into computer programming this fall.

"They can stay for as long as they want," I welcomed, always enjoying having them over. At 36 I was single and childless, my last relationship ending a few months ago... badly... like they always seemed to.

"They may never leave, then," Cassie joked; her boys both loved their fun auntie.

"Not until I make them drink another kale health shake anyway," I pointed out, the boys about as nerdy as they get... but also as out of shape as two eighteen-year-olds can be. They did take advantage of the free year-pass to my yoga studio I gave them on their eighteenth birthday two months ago ... but it was soon clear they were only there to check out the women in their tight yoga pants.

The poor kids (not financially, since my sister's husband was the CFO of a tech company, and he made very, very good money) looked very much like their father. Both were overweight at 200 pounds, were short for men at 5'6", with red hair and freckles. (Thus, they were ineligible to make the quip some chubby people make about not being overweight but under-tall, since they were exaggeratedly both!) They also both wore thick, framed glasses that made them look like poster boys for nerds. Which was too bad, since their mother, my sister, was 5'10", with jet black hair and an amazingly firm body left over from her being a competitive beach volleyball player in her younger days.

To this day, nineteen years later, I still couldn't figure out why she'd married her husband (his name was Alfred, for fuck's sake, she should have known better from that demerit alone). He too was over 200 pounds, shorter than Cassie, brown hair, freckles, crooked teeth, and yet he had an odd, confident swagger... which I could never understand. IMHO, he wasn't nearly good enough for my sister. I mean, fuck, he looked like he could have been a fat friend of Kevin James on King of Queens... except fatter and with less personality). But he did keep her financially stable, and as strange as it was to me, she seemed very happy.

"Yeah, they still talk about that green shit their Aunt Cat made them drink," Cassie laughed.

"If they set up my home theatre, I'll make sure to reward them with some greasy fast food crap to binge out on," I said with a sigh. I hated seeing young people not looking after their bodies.

"I'll send them right over, once they wake up," Cassie said.

"It's almost noon," I pointed out, having already worked out, showered, breakfasted, and taught a yoga lesson. Like my sister, I have a very tight body. Although I'm a little shorter at 5'8", I too have great toned legs, plus firm 36C tits, long blonde hair with red tips I just had done, and blue eyes. I've never had a problem getting a man, I've just always found it impossible to select a good one.

I'm not saying I'm picky, but I want someone who knows who he is, has a high sex drive (like mine), can treat a woman like a lady or a slut at the appropriate times, and has a big cock... less than seven inches just isn't worth my time.

"Yeah, so it could be a couple hours," she said.

"Then how can they have possibly come from your loins?" I joked, everyone in my family, including Cassie, being habitual early risers.

"I've asked myself that question numerous times," Cassie said, "but they just take after their father."

"Well, send them over when you can," I said. "I really want to get this equipment set up today."

"Will do."

"Great," I said. "Love you, Cass."

"Love you too, Cat."

I loved having the boys over. They loved to game, and so did I. Sure, I enjoyed online gaming, but there was something special about playing with people who were in the same room. I know, everyone's concentrating on a computer screen so why should it matter, but in your gut you just know they're there.

I knew the boys would love the new 4K projector I'd just bought, as well as the surround sound system. I had both the new Xbox and the PS5.

Plus, with my nephews both going away to college in a couple of months, I figured I should likely give them a few pointers, since their dad likely hadn't had The Talk with them, nor IMHO, would he be qualified to give one.

Shortly afterwards, I received another call from Cassie where she said, "Change of plans. Alfred and I are heading out of town for a few days to visit his uncle and his new, younger wife for the weekend. Can the boys stay with you?"

"Sure," I agreed, always enjoying when they came for a visit, whether brief or extended.

"Awesome, thanks," she said, her tone a little off, yet I couldn't tell why. "We're leaving in five, and of course you're our first stop."

"I'd better hide all my sex toys then," I joked.

"How's the Sybian?"

"A real buzz!"

"You and your lame attempts at puns," she laughed.

"You're welcome to come over for a ride," I said. "I'm sure it will be better than Alfred."

"Oh, I wouldn't say that," she said.

"Sure, sure," I said, assuming Alfred had a tiny dick, just like all fat men seemed to have.

"See you soon," she said.

"Sounds good," I agreed.

I had twenty minutes to clean up, which also meant I had twenty minutes to put away the variety of sex toys scattered around the house. Besides the new Sybian I'd bought myself for my 36th (which was no joke, but an amazing purchase... gaming while siting on it was the ultimate rush), I had a few vibrators, a suction cup dildo, some vibrating eggs, and a few butt plugs.

I had just stowed the Sybian in my bedroom closet with a blanket over the top of it, when my nephews strolled in... with Big Gulps and a bucket of chicken each.

"You guys are going to have heart attacks at thirty," I warned, shaking my head.

"We've been working out lately," Allen said.

"You should be at my studio at least every second day," I urged.

"We enjoy your studio," Alex said.

"I mean besides sitting around checking out the women in their tight yoga pants," I teased.

"That scenario is great, "Allen smiled unapologetically.

The boys seemed to have a bit more swagger than I'd ever seen from them. They'd always had something of a crush on me... boys are pervs... which I'd used to my advantage in getting them to do things for me.

Cass hurried in, gave me a quick hug, and said immediately they had to get on the road. I asked, since she was wearing a skirt so short I could see the entirety of her lace top stockings, "Are you really going to see Alfred's uncle?"

"Yeah, why?" she asked.

"You seem dressed more for clubbing than a family visit," I said, never understanding why she always wore nylons. It was almost 90° today. I wore them for weddings, funerals, and the rare night of passion... but otherwise I enjoyed the comfort of yoga pants... Lulu Lemon was where 90% of my wardrobe was from.

"You know that Alfred likes them."

"Yeah, he's a leg guy."

"Exactly," she said. "Have fun with my boys."

"Oh, I will."

She headed out, and once the boys had finished their chicken and were licking the grease off their fingers, I asked, "Want to see what I just bought?"

"Hell yeah," Allen said.

"Then follow me," I invited, knowing they were likely checking out my ass in my tight yoga pants as I walked ahead of them. So of course I added a bit of extra wiggle.

We reached the basement, and the boys gasped, "Aunt Cat, what the fuck?" Allen gasped delightedly, as he took in everything I'd purchased.

"Language," I rebuked.

"We're adults now, Auntie," he reminded me. "We're allowed to curse."

"Perhaps, but it's impolite, and you'll always be my sister's baby boys to me," I argued, thinking it had been almost two decades since my sister had gotten pregnant with them. Fuck... time flies.

"We're men now," Alex bragged, trying to sound manly, but all I could see were two nerds who were almost certainly still virgins.

Yes, you are," I nodded, my tone indicating I was just humoring him.

"What did all of this cost?" Allen asked.

"Enough," I said, everyone I knew thinking I was nuts to pay so much on equipping a dedicated gaming room.

"This will take a while," Alex said.

"Luckily you have all afternoon and as much of the evening as you need," I smiled. "I'll be back in a couple of hours. I have to go teach a class."

"Okay," Alex said.

"Say hi to Trina for us," Allen added.

"Will do," I laughed gently. They both loved Trina, my chief assistant trainer. She was twenty-three, Latina, and she had an ass like Jennifer Lopez. Trina had taken on the thankless job of getting my nephews in shape. Or rather they were plenty appreciative of her in certain ways, but never applied themselves to perfecting the yoga poses, and gaining the benefits.

I went to work, then after leading my class, I went to the mall and picked up an extra HDMI cord Allen had called me to say he needed, then ended up buying a couple of new outfits, when I walked past Lulu Lemon and saw they had some new ones, and finally picked up a pizza from the boys' favourite pizza place... allowing them to eat unhealthily for a night, since they were saving me hundreds of dollars by installing my system for free.

I arrived home and called them upstairs.

"Except for the HDMI cable, the system is ready to go," Allen reported.

"You guys are amazing," I said appreciatively.

"We really are," Alex agreed, as he flipped open the pizza box and grabbed a slice with each hand.

"A little uncouth," I pointed out casually, as I went to fix myself a cobb salad.

"You're not having any pizza, Auntie?" Allen asked.

"No, I want to live to the ripe old age of forty," I joked.

"You only live once," Alex shrugged.

"Yes, so you should look after your bodies," I pointed out.

"We've been exercising every day since our birthday," Alex said.

"Have you?" I asked. "I've seen more of you two drooling over older women in yoga pants."

"Well, we do that too," Allen said, not denying the accusation.

"We also check out their racks," Alex added crudely.

"Alex!" I gasped.

"Do you prefer the word tits?" he asked.

"Alex!" I repeated.

"Jugs, bazookas, knockers?" Allen jumped in and listed, a big smirk on his face.

"You two," I said. "The correct term is breasts."

"No one calls them breasts," Alex said.

"I do," I said.

"Sure you do," Allen said.

"Okay, while I'm at work I watch my clients' knockers bounce around," I said sarcastically.

"There you go," Allen said, ignoring my sarcasm.

"You two are exhausting," I sighed.

"We certainly can be," Alex agreed, which made Allen laugh, which I found odd.

We ate, and then we headed downstairs to install the HDMI cable, which took all of ten seconds, and then checked out my new set-up. It was awesome! We all stretched out on my huge couch, and gamed for a couple of hours.

Like always, there was some trash talking, and eventually I said, "You boys need to do more than just game in your parents' basement."

"Who says we don't?" Allen asked.

"Do either of you have a girlfriend" I asked.

"No," Alex said.

Allen added, "Who wants one? Girls are too needy."

"That attitude will keep you single forever," I advised. "Tomorrow I'll take you two shopping for some new clothes."

"What for?" Allen asked, wearing sweats and a Walking Dead t-shirt.

"Because clothes make the man," I replied.

"Oh, I think there are other things that make a man," Alex chirped in

"You do, do you?" I asked playfully.

"Plus, we don't want to look like all the jocks and preps," Allen said. "We aren't going to pretend to be somebody we're not."

"I don't want to change you," I explained. "I just want to help you both to look a little more dapper for the girls."

"No point. We aren't attracted to girls our age, anyway," Alex argued cheerfully.

"That's right, we prefer more mature women," Allen added.

"You do, do you?" I asked again, sensing they were trying to flirt with me. It was obvious they'd had a crush on me for a while, but it had previously always manifested in sheepish looks and furtive stares... and this time they were being more brazen. Truth be told, I was a little impressed.

"Yeah, we go for women with experience," Alex said.

Deciding to see just how brazen they'd get, thinking to call their flirtatious bluff by requesting their help. I'd recently gotten a Harley Quinn tattoo on my lower back (don't judge, she kicks ass), and it had begun to itch, which meant it was time to apply some more ointment to it. It was in an awkward location to do by myself, so I stood up and asked, in a playful, slightly sarcastic, slightly sexy tone, "Well, you just so happen to be in the presence of a comparatively mature woman who has some experience, so which of you two 'lover boys' is willing to rub some ointment into my new tattoo for me?"

Alex jumped up immediately, our game having just ended, saying, "I'm the oldest, so I'll do it."

Allen snapped, also leaping up, both of them like eager puppies, or more like horny eighteen-year-olds, "Yeah, older by all of ten minutes, you dick!"

I went and retrieved the ointment, handed it to Alex, raised my shirt a bit and said, "Calm down, boys. Alex, you can do it this time, and Allen can do it in the morning."

"Fine," Allen sighed, clearly annoyed.

As Alex applied ointment to my tattoo, I asked, "So what kind of experience have you boys had with girls your own age?"

"Well, not exactly," Allen said, which didn't quite seem to address the question.

"Not exactly?" I asked. "Have either of you kissed a girl?"

Alex's reply was similarly oblique, as his hands wandered a little lower than they needed to for his task, "Well, not necessarily."

I asked, mostly teasing their lame attempts at bravado, "How do you expect to attract a hot older woman if you've never even been with a girl your own age?"

Alex said, "Oh, trust me, Aunt Cat. We know stuff!"

I turned my head around, just as his hands were moving lower, and asked, "How much 'stuff' could you possibly know, if you don't have any experience?"

Allen replied, "Pornhub and stuff."

I let out a rather obnoxious laugh, "Pornhub and stuff? You're kidding me, right?"

"No, we're not kidding. We know some stuff!" Alex insisted, clearly annoyed by my unimpressed response.

Allen, standing right in front of me, added, still exuding a confidence I'd only previously seen from him when he was gaming, "We know plenty of stuff."

"Is that right?" I asked, deciding to play along and see how far they would go.

"Yeah, that's right," Alex said, not backing down, with a smug smile on his face.

Not backing down either, I challenged, "Well then, show me what 'stuff' you think you know, and then I'll give you a few pointers."

Alex asked, already backing down just like I thought they both would, "Are you sure about asking for that, Aunt Cat?"

I smiled seductively, a smile that had made many men melt, as I continued challenging them, wanting to put them in their place a bit, "Yes, I'm sure. I mean how much could you boys know?"

Allen asked, also a little tentatively, yet also with a hint of underlying confidence, "So to be perfectly clear, you're asking us to put our moves on you?"

Thinking this was harmless, I nodded, "I guess I am. Now show me what you've got."

They looked at each other as I challenged them, thinking either they'd back down, which I expected, or perhaps they'd find a little confidence that could help them with the ladies. So to force the issue, I added, "That is, if you aren't too scared."

Alex asked again, clearly unsure of what to do, "Are you sure, sure?"

I exploded with exasperation for their indecision, as I challenged their experience, "YES! For God's sake! Just show me your cute little moves!"

"Okay, you asked for it!" Allen said, now stalking towards me.

"Ooooh, I'm so scared!" I teased.

"So are we talking a simple kiss, or our actual moves?" Alex asked timorously, just like his 'younger' brother, still unable to act.

"Kiss, moves, whatever you got, kiddo," I demanded, still confident they didn't have the balls to make any moves at all... which was why they were still single and had never kissed a girl.

I then sat back down on the couch and said, giving them one last chance either to make a move or to back down, "It's getting late, so let's make this quick. Either put up or shut up."

To my surprise, after they looked at each other, then actually nodded decisively, with no further hesitation they came and sat down on either side of me, Alex on my right.

Presenting me with yet another surprise, Alex then leaned in and kissed me on the lips. Tenderly. Not something men usually did. My few lesbian encounters had often been sensual, or at least had begun sensually, but my encounters with men had usually included very little kissing if any at all, and certainly not tenderly.

I was so stunned that my nephew had accepted my challenge and was kissing me, I wasn't sure what to do. He then sucked on my bottom lip, before gently biting it.

My head was in a bit of a daze, as I then felt lips on my left ear. I'd never been with two guys before, and had never been kissed by two women before, either. Allen's hot breath on my ear quickly had me shivering deliciously, as Alex continued kissing me.

Allen's lips kissed their way down to my neck, which made me moan into Alex's mouth, since my neck was one of my two most intense erogenous zones, my nipples being the other one.

Pleasure was burning through me, as the boys' lips attacked me sensuously. I was in such a stunned fog, I didn't notice when Alex stopped kissing me, but I did suddenly feel his lips sucking on my breasts through my t-shirt.

"Alex," I moaned in protest; this was going too far. But my words were silenced, as Alex left my breasts behind and resumed kissing my lips.

I should have put a halt to all of this, but my nephews' sensual teasing had weakened my resolve, and I was paralyzed from the pleasure.

Once it was clear I was putting up zero resistance, the boys became even more aggressive. Alex pulled my shirt up, pulled my right breast out and sucked my hard nipple into his mouth, while simultaneously Allen reached his hand between my legs and began rubbing my surprisingly wet pussy through my yoga pants.

I tried to protest, yet still didn't offer any physical resistance, as I stammered, "B-b-boys!"

"You have such great tits, Aunt Cat," Alex praised as he sucked on my nipple.

"She's soaking wet," Allen added as he rubbed me, and leaned his head in to kiss my neck again.

"Oh God," I moaned, completely overwhelmed by their relentless attack on my senses.

As Alex bit my nipple, Allen slid his hand inside my yoga pants, and finally I snapped! I flailed around a bit and clumsily pushed them both away, and cried out, possibly louder than necessary but I wasn't certain, since I was still in a bit of an erotic daze, "Whoa, I think that's quite enough for the night!"

Both boys backed away and Alex said, "See, I told you we knew some stuff!"

I stood up, my pussy on fire, and I nodded my agreement, my head still spinning, "Yeah, yeah... I guess you do. Good night, boys."


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